Finding purpose through art
Ever had a moment where you felt “is this it?”
I sure did.
I worked for over 15 years in fast paced, high stress corporate environments and while it used to give me a thrill when I uncovered a new insight, make a process more efficient, or created a wildly successful campaign, something was missing.
Then one day a friend gave me a handcrafted Valentine at work. I asked her how she made it, where did she find the time?!? It reminded me of my younger years when I used to make crafts ALL THE TIME. I started to make the time to craft again, making pretty handmade greeting cards using simple tools was a quick and easy way to be creative.
I started to share card making, teaching handmade card classes to friends as a side hustle and really loved it. I joined a local ‘mompreneur’ group (entrepreneurs who happen to be moms too) and met inspiring female entrepreneurs. Buoyed by their successes, I started to think bigger than sharing my love of paper crafting with others. I wanted others to find joy in exploring their own creativity through all forms of tactile art.
And so, I re-ignited a spark of an idea I had several years ago, to open an art school for kids and adults to reconnect with themselves, explore their intrinsic creativity and open minds to the possibility that maybe, they are artistic after all.
I knew it was possible to bring back youthful creativity. I had experienced it first hand and witnessed others experience it too through the handmade card classes I taught. Watching people take delight in creating something themselves, marvelling at the creation they produced with their own hands was inspiring.
Watching those delighted faces is how I found my purpose. To create a space where everyone is welcomed and everyone is encouraged to create wonderful works of art. To find their own joy in their own potential.